
One of the most important thing in life, internet or not a friend is a friend.
Hug all your friends, and let them know, you're not letting go - Cavetown

88x31 image with alyxia written in cyan on a black background with stars 88x31 gif showing dex's character on the left and titles appearing and dissapering saying: DTE; Dex; Go undercover. 88x31 of mugman174 88x31 picture of Sako's oc with SaKo written next to it on the right 88x31 pixture of a ciggarte on a stick wearing a cap, to the right wavy text saying 'Damk'

You are not on here and you are my friend? or want to be? Message me! so i can put you on the list.

Want to add me on your site? Feel free to do so! Here is my own 88x31 tag.

88x31 image with the caption molten is frozen styled to the words. A green sign saying go next to it, pointing to a happy console creature called AB-1.